domingo, 27 de enero de 2008


you are the pease of mee dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
como estas??
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
q haciass??
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
recien me levanto
you are the pease of mee dice:
jaj q linda fotito ejejjeje
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
uhh yo tamnbbinen q casualidadd
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
jajajajajajaja, perdón
you are the pease of mee dice:
x q perdon??
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
por que no me puedo parar de reir de tu SUBNICK
you are the pease of mee dice:
jajajajajjaj x ??
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
por que es casi lo mismo que tengo yo en el subnick
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:

you are the pease of mee dice:
aja mira vos otra casualidad
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
salistes anochee??
you are the pease of mee dice:
x el cumple d at digo jeje
you are the pease of mee dice:
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
, recien me levanto
you are the pease of mee dice:
me dijidtes jeje ¬
you are the pease of mee dice:
yo estoi re cansada hace una semana q no duermo duermo re poco

talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? te está invitando a iniciar el envío de imágenes de la cámara Web. ¿Deseas Aceptar (Alt+W) o Rechazar (Alt+X) la invitación?

you are the pease of mee dice:
no estoi re escrachosaa jeje es q no dormi nada jejeje
you are the pease of mee dice:

talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
no te conozco
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:

talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? ha cancelado la invitación para iniciar el envío de imágenes de la cámara Web.

talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
ahi va aguaname un toq
you are the pease of mee dice:
sabias q tengo una gemelaa??
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
esta soi yo hjeje
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
ah , mira
you are the pease of mee dice:
y aca yo d peke
you are the pease of mee dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
sabes un flog tal q es ellos_rockean o algo asi?=?
you are the pease of mee dice:
uhh me confindi PERDON jeje
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
es de mi amiga, Mery
you are the pease of mee dice:
ah jeje
you are the pease of mee dice:
como la pasron ayerr??
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
talk to me softly, there is something in your eyes... alguien me puede dar el flog " en contra" de ellos_rockean algo asi? dice:
me voy, nos vemos!
you are the pease of mee dice:
ok dale
you are the pease of mee dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:
you are the pease of mee dice:

1 comentario:

Florchy`s dijo...

hola! ¿te gusta airbag?, segurisimo que si bueno no esperes mas entra a WWW.AIRBAG-FLORCHYS.PICZO.COM y fijete todo lo que ahi para vos...
saludos te espero!!!